Co-Author Your First Best Seller With Vic Johnson, 7-Time Amazon Best Selling Author

It's The Most Powerful Way To Rocket To The Top Of Your Business Or Profession.

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It's A Lifetime Achievement That Makes You A Top Trusted Authority In Your Field

Imagine the new authority, celebrity and influence you'll have with your prospects, clients and customers once you've achieved Best Selling Author status.

It's an achievement that you can claim for a lifetime and can make you one of the top trusted authorities in your niche. That can attract higher quality clients and customers and joint ventures with other trusted authorities that will explode your presence.

Become A Best Selling Author, Guaranteed! …And You Don’t Even Have To Write A Single Word If You Don't Want To!

  • Your Own One-On-One Personal Coach

    Together with regular group meetings with Vic and other co-authors mean you get all the help and support you need to produce an outstanding chapter. In addition, live, interactive training with Vic on how to use your book to explode your business and celebrity.

  • Make Your Contribution Without Writing A Word

    Our team will interview you for your chapter in the book and we’ll transcribe, edit and format it. If you’d rather write your own 2,000 word chapter, our professional editors will edit it for you.

  • Local Media Recognition Of Your Achievement

    We will notify your local media with a publisher’s news release of your co-authorship when the book becomes an Amazon best seller.

  • A Box Of Books With Your Name On The Cover

    You’ll receive 100 copies of the book (200 copies when you pay in full at time of application) that will feature your name on the cover with Vic’s. You’ll also have your own wholesale account to order as many future copies as you’d like.

  • Reach Even More With The Audio Book

    A large New York audio book publisher has already asked to publish Failure Is Never Final as an audio book. While we won’t have unlimited use of the audio files, your message will reach as much 50% more new prospective clients and customers.

  • Worldwide Distribution of Your Best Seller

    Failure Is Never Final will be available through various distribution channels throughout the world. Our most popular books have been translated into Japanese, Czech, Slovakian, Farsi, Russian and Korean, and there’s a great chance this one will be as well.

Your Co-Author Knows The Formula That Will Make Failure Is Never Final An Amazon Best Seller!

Evicted from his home in 1996 and his last car lost to repossession a year later, Vic Johnson's story has become an oft-quoted source of inspiration to the more than 300,000 subscribers he serves worldwide. He is a 7-time Amazon Best Selling Author and his books have been translated into Japanese, Russian, Czech, Slovak, Korean and Farsi. He has appeared in numerous video programs with Bob Proctor, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Denis Waitley and Mark Victor Hansen, among others.

Make 2016 Your Best Year Ever And It Begins With Your First Best Seller 

Your best selling book is like a magnet for money. It attracts speaking engagements, higher-paying clients, and bigger consulting opportunities, and that's just a start.

Suddenly people who you thought were previously unreachable are now paying attention to you and even calling you to do business with you. Doors will open for you with amazing opportunities inside that you didn’t even know existed.

If you hand your prospective customer or client a (signed) copy of your best selling book and all your competitors hand them a business card or ho-hum brochure, which one do you think IMMEDIATELY gets elevated in the eyes of the prospect? We throw business cards and brochures away every day, but we rarely throw a book away -- especially a best seller!

Imagine that 2016 is THE year that you finally breakthrough! A best selling book has the power to take your business and career to an entirely new level unlike anything you've experienced.

Taking action now means you don't miss this one-time opportunity.

Single Payment
(Best Value)

7 Easy Monthly

  • Quick, one-time payment of only $4,995 saves 10%
  • Get 200 books with your name on the cover as co-author
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  • Convenient monthly payments of $797
  • Get 100 books with your name on the cover as co-author
Apply Now!
  • q-iconOnce the book is published, how will I be able to use it?

    You will be given a non-exclusive, world-wide, royalty-free, perpetual and irrevocable right and license to copy and distribute and display the Book, in whole or in part, in its printed form or digital printed form. So you can sell it on your website, Facebook page, bookstores and other venues (you just can’t publish the Book on (and its affiliated sites), the iTunes Bookstore, and any of the Channels in Smashwords Premium Catalog). You can also give the book away and use excerpts as articles of any length you choose.

    Your primary motivation should be to use the book in ways to create more authority and celebrity in your industry or niche. In part of your training with Vic he will show you all the ways that he does it and that’s made him an International Personal Development Authority.

  • q-iconIf I don't want to write my chapter, how will it be created?

    One of Vic’s best sellers is How To Write A Book This Weekend which promotes a strategy of creating an audio recording that is later transcribed and edited into book form. Several of his best sellers were created using this strategy as have other best selling authors like Brian Tracy and John Maxwell, as well as many celebrity authors. The audio recording can be a straight dictation or an interview that we conduct with you (or the subject of your chapter). Our editors will then create a draft of the chapter and return it to you for review and revisions. It’s a pretty painless process for those who don’t want to write a chapter the traditional way.

  • q-iconI see a sample of the front cover of the book on your website. There is only one space allocated for co-author next to Vic's name. So how do you fit all the co-authors on the cover-page?

    Each co-author will have their own custom cover showing them as the co-author along with Vic. You will also have a wholesale book account allowing you to order unlimited copies of the book with your custom cover. The version that appears on Amazon, Apple and the other stores we distribute to will be a generic version. You will also receive an eBook version that you may distribute unlimited copies of and it, too, will show your customized cover.

  • q-iconI haven't exactly achieved massive success at this point in my life. Don't I need that before I co-author a book about personal development or success?

    That’s a limiting belief that keeps a lot of people from ever writing a book. Napoleon Hill, who wrote the biggest selling success book of all time, was a little-known REPORTER when he wrote his first book that later became Think and Grow Rich. He didn’t tell people how to become successful based on his experience, he REPORTED what he learned from 500 of the most successful people in the world at the time. Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen weren’t massively successful when they co-authored the first Chicken Soup for the Soul (with more than 40 other co-authors, most of whom weren’t massively successful either). But they REPORTED stories that inspired, motivated and uplifted readers. Their books have sold more than 500 million copies worldwide!

  • q-iconDo you still notify my local media when the book becomes an Amazon best seller even if I'm not in the USA?

    Absolutely! Having a best seller is still a big deal no matter where you live in the world. It’s an achievement that has universal respect and is a very newsworthy event. You may even want to do some local book signings to generate even more local media interest.

  • q-iconHow long before the book is published and when will I receive my copies?

    Failure is Never Final is scheduled to be launched in April 2016. This date is subject to change based on the number of edits by the co-authors and how fast they are turned around to us. The faster you complete and approve your chapter the easier it will be to meet our launch date. It’s our goal to have your copies shipped to you at the time of launch.

  • q-iconHow will the group meetings with Vic and the other co-authors be held, and at what time?

    The group meetings will be held at a time that is convenient for MOST co-authors and will be done by Webinar and Google Hangouts. These group meetings will be recorded for those who can’t make the meeting. Your one-on-one meetings with your personal coach will be held at a time convenient for you and your coach and will be done by Go To Meeting or Skype.

  • q-iconHow many co-authors will the book have and will all of their names show on each book cover?

    We will have no fewer than 10 and no more than 40 co-authors. You will have your own customized cover showing you and Vic as co-authors. That cover will appear on all the initial copies of the book you receive and on all future copies that you order through your wholesale book account. The inside of every book will recognize all co-authors and include their bio’s, photo and contact information.

  • q-iconWhy should I invest to publish my book? Shouldn't the publisher pay me an advance instead?

    Here’s Vic’s reply:

    Unless you’re already a proven author and/or have a large platform (audience) your chances of getting interest from a traditional publisher, much less an advance, are slim to none.

    After you’ve found a literary agent willing to take an unknown (96% are rejected) and written a killer book proposal (rejections as high as 95%) your advance is likely to be LESS than what you’ll have to pay out of pocket to promote your book. Yep, most authors will pay a significant sum to get their books to best-seller status, with many investing upwards of six-figures.

    What we learned long ago is that we can make a lot more money if we’re more in control of our destiny. The primary purpose of our books is NOT to generate royalties (though we’ve generated more than six-figures in royalties). The primary purpose is to attract an audience that will become our lifetime customers.

    We’ve been very successful using that strategy to build an audience of hundreds of thousands who have purchased millions of dollars of our goods and services.

    You don’t need anyone’s permission to publish your book, so what are you waiting for? Co-author your first best seller with me today…

    This is the easiest and fastest way to get published and get the credibility and authority you need to take your business or practice to the next level. I look forward seeing your chapter in Failure Is Never Final.

    Let’s get started! You deserve this!

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The Fine Print

Acceptance as a co-author (the Program) is contingent upon our review of your application. All monies will be refunded if your application is not accepted. Your Enrollment Fee is fully due and payable prior to the start date of November 18, 2015. We may provide you with a payment schedule for you to complete your payment of the Enrollment Fee; however, no payment schedule relieves you of your obligation to pay the entire Enrollment Fee, even if you do not complete the Program for any reason. If you miss any scheduled payment, the payment schedule is void and the entire balance becomes due and payable. By your submission of the Program Application you acknowledge that all fees are non-refundable and you agree that you will not contest any bank transfers or charge back your credit card for any charges after the program has started. During the course of the Program, you will work with a personal coach, Vic Johnson or other individuals (Program Mentors) to develop your 2,000 word chapter. Your success in the Program requires full and active participation. For your contribution to be included in Failure Is Never Final (the “Book”), you must fully and actively participate in the Program to ensure: (1) We receive all interim and final drafts of your contribution in accordance with the schedule we provide you; and (2) your contribution meets or exceeds the minimum standards as determined by us. We will be solely and exclusively responsible for all editorial and publishing decisions, including among others the decision to include or exclude your contribution from the Book if it does not meet our editorial standards. Copyright Authorship - Upon acceptance in the program we commission you to create your contribution for the the Book, which constitutes a collective work, as a “work made for hire” under United States copyright law. If any body of competent jurisdiction determines that your contribution is not a “work made for hire”, then you assign a fully transferable, perpetual, exclusive, worldwide license of your contribution to the publisher, Laurenzana Press. The terms “Co-Author” and/or “Co-Authorship” as used in the materials relating to the Program are not intended to and do not give you rights of authorship in any joint work under United States copyright law.

Original Work - You agree and warrant that your contribution to the Book is your own original work of authorship. You further agree to indemnify and hold harmless Seminars LLC, Laurenzana Press and all other participants in the Program in the event that your contribution is not your own original work of authorship and from any and all claims that might arise as a result of your work. Royalty Rights and Non-Exclusive Use - Upon your successful completion of the Program and the publication of the Book, we grant you a non-exclusive, world-wide, royalty-free, perpetual and irrevocable right and license to copy and distribute and display the Book, in whole or in part, in its printed form or digital printed form. You agree that Laurenzana Press is the Publisher of Record and will be entitled to all royalties it earns from its sales of the the Book. You also agree that you will not publish the Book on (and its affiliated sites), the iTunes Bookstore, and any of the Channels in Smashwords Premium Catalog. Book Copies - You will receive one-hundred (100) complimentary copies of the Book (200 copies if you paid your Enrollment Fee in full in advance) shortly after it is published. The copies will feature you and Vic Johnson on the front cover as co-authors. You will be provided access to your own wholesale account where you may purchase additional copies at the prevailing wholesale price. If a dispute arises you and us we mutually agree to first try to resolve it with the help of a mutually agreed-upon mediator in Gainesville, Florida. Any costs and fees other than attorney fees and travel costs associated with the mediation will be shared equally by each of us. If it proves impossible to arrive at a mutually satisfactory solution through mediation, we mutually agree to submit the dispute to binding arbitration at Gainesville, Florida, under the rules of the American Arbitration Association. Judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitration may be entered in any court with jurisdiction to do so. By your submission of the Program Application you acknowledge your agreement with the terms provided here ("The Fine Print").

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